Quickfire Dates 2024/25

Quickfire 2024-25
Hand in DateSubjectJudge.Result
Sept 9thTreesBob Franklin16th Sept
OctoberNo Compnilnil
Nov.8thParallelsSue Merrington18th Nov
December 8thLast days of AutumnKeith Harte16th Dec
January 6thFestiveSue Merrington20th Jan
February 3rdFoodVal Brennan10th Feb
March 10thDoorsSue Merrington17th Mar
April??7th April
Subject for the next Quickfire to be chosen by the previous WINNER

FOUR entries per member, Images re-sized to 1600x1200 Resolution 72 1 - POINT per ENTRY
Please give your images a TITLE rather than using its file number.

Would members who enter the Quickfire and in the event they WIN, please have a Subject for the next Quickfire

FOUR entries per member:
Images re-sized to 1600 x 1200 Resolution 72

Please give your images a TITLE rather than using its file number.
Send images to : clscameraclub@gmail.com
Winner 10 points
2nd 5 points
3rd 4 points
H.C 3 points
The WINNER will receive an additional 4 points for non entry in the next competition as HE or SHE will be the JUDGE

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